суббота, 17 сентября 2011
Текст песни.A fire swept through
Everyone rushed for the door
Boards were used to carry the impaired
The rescuers had withdrawn
The building is virtually black now
That's what the witness said
I think about how I miss you
And how I will remain
I think about how I miss you
A fire swept through
Everyone rushed for the door
Boards were used to carry the impaired
The rescuers had withdrawn
I think about how I miss you
And how I will remain
I think about how I miss you
I think about how I miss you
I think about how I miss you
I think about how I miss you
I think about how I miss you
Послушав песню один раз, он завел ее снова. Потом еще раз. Потом еще. Видимо, его душе нужен был кислород.